Dxo optics pro for photos
Dxo optics pro for photos

dxo optics pro for photos

Choose Faster (HQ) or Better (PRIME) denoise correction.Toggle to view the before/after benefits.

dxo optics pro for photos

  • Default corrections include Lens Corrections, White Balance, DxO Smart Lighting, Noise Removal.
  • *mRAW and sRAW specific format are currently not supported *Fuji-X series camera are currently not supported

    dxo optics pro for photos

    The extension is capable of applying optical corrections, White Balance correction, DxO Smart Lighting, PRIME denoising and DxO ClearView haze removal, in a completely new user interface that is simple, clean and intuitive. DxO image processing for supported cameras can now be accessed directly from within the editing mode of OS X Photos, with DxO OpticsPro acting as a 3rd-party extension. DxO OpticsPro for Photos is designed to provide a seamless image processing workflow for Photographers who are on a Mac, and use OS X Photos as their primary photo application.

    Dxo optics pro for photos